Scenes from the Road
One of the things involved in the life of a trainer and speaker is traveling to clients and events. Every once in a while, I get to take...

New Webinar Series
I've started a new project: a series of webinar offerings. It's been a few years since I delivered some webinars. It was another symptom...

Don't Hear What I Didn't Say
"Don't hear what I didn't say." This is something I have told my teen-aged son. Usually when he jumps to an exaggerated conclusion based...

Looking to Fill My Fall Schedule
It's that time of the year! Many think summer is a slow time in an educational institution, but it's actually a time busy with planning...

Your Then, Someone Else's Now
We all know that phrase: I wish I knew then what I know now. We've all probably said it at least once in our lives. But what we often...